Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Ways Your Boss Could Respond to Your Two Weeks Notice - The Muse

5 Ways Your Boss Could Respond to Your Two Weeks Notice - The Muse5 Ways Your Boss Could Respond to Your Two Weeks NoticeTurning in your two weeks notice can be terrifying- because no matter how well you think you know your supervisor, you can never be 100% koranvers of his or her reaction. Will he be furious and insist on walking you out the door immediately? Will she beg you to stay, enticing you with an enormous raise? Or will he be completely civil and wish you the best of luck? However, if you know the right signs to look for, theres a good chance you can figure out what kind of reaction to expect- and that can make the conversation go much more smoothly. Here are a few common reactions and how to anticipate which one youll receive. Reaction 1 Tempting You to StayIts a reaction thats both good and bad Your boss values you so much that he or she offers you a raise or promotion to stay. But it can leave you feeling conflicted You have another great job lined up- but now that there s more money on the table, do you really want to leave your current position?Spot the SignsYou may receive this reaction if youre a high-ranking executive or director. These positions can be difficult to replace quickly, so it may be worth it to your company to tempt you to stay rather than letting you go without a fight. It can also happen if you have extremely specialized knowledge that would make it challenging to replace you. On the other hand, if youre in an entry- or mid-level position, and someone could be hired into your position without much trouble, its less likely your boss will put up a fight- and a counteroffer. Prepare for ItThe best way to prepare for this reaction is to simply know your stance ahead of time by determining if you would even consider a counteroffer. Yes, it may be more money or a better title, but theres more to consider- including your career goals, level of job satisfaction in your current role, and the opportunities that your new role offers. Reacti on 2 Asking You to Stay Beyond Your NoticeIn this situation, you wont necessarily get the promise of more money or a better title- but your manager will ask you, perhaps as a personal favor, to stay a few additional weeks or months until the company is able to hire and train a replacement.Spot the SignsAgain, you may receive this response if you have specialized knowledge that would make it difficult or time-consuming to hire your replacement- or if it would be helpful for you to be actively involved in that search. However, it could also be the reaction if your company is approaching or is currently in a busy season and needs the additional staff, or its experiencing unusual circumstances, like a hiring freeze, which would prevent it from replacing you entirely.Prepare for ItLike the situation above, you should go into the conversation knowing how youll respond if your boss asks you to extend your notice. If youve landed another job offer and have already set a departure date, this may not be possible- so practice sticking to your guns Because I have a new opportunity lined up, my last day here is firm. However, Im happy to help out however I can in the next two weeks.If you havent landed a new gig yet or your new abflug date is negotiable, know your limits. If youre willing to stay an additional three weeks, for example, dont let your manager talk you into staying three more months. Reaction 3 Refusing to Let You Work Out Your NoticeThis is perhaps the most dreaded reaction- that youll hand over your two weeks notice, and your manager will insist on walking you out the door immediately. Spot the SignsAccording to Alison Green, who writes the blog Ask a Manager, this is common practice for some industries, especially if youre leaving to work for a direct competitor. However, in those situations, youll likely know its coming and can prepare accordingly.Otherwise, look to the history of your company. How have your boss and other managers handled employees resig nations? If you landsee a pattern of upper management refusing to let the team members work out their notice, you can likely expect the same. Also think about your relationship with your manager. Would he or she have reason to think that youll waste your last two weeks or distract your co-workers instead of doing what you can to make the transition seamless? If so, you may be asked to cut your two weeks short. Prepare for ItYour best option in this scenario is to accept it with dignity and make sure youre ready to leave the office for good when you turn in your resignation letter, whether that means gathering up your personal items or making sure youve collected the names and contact information for the teammates and clients youd like to stay in touch with. Then, steel yourself for your managers reaction and react with grace.Reaction 4 Acceptance With DispleasureIts possible that your boss wont take immediate action like the reaction above- but will make it clear that he or she isnt exactly happy about your resignation.Maybe, for example, shell mutter a curt, Thank you for letting me know, followed by two weeks of obvious displeasure or denial that youre leaving- through gruff comments (You know, youre really leaving us in the lurch) or a refusal to interact with you more than absolutely necessary.Spot the SignsThe most obvious sign that youll receive this reaction is if you havent had a healthy relationship with your manager in the past. Maybe you continually challenged his ideas, and he took that as a sign of disrespect. Or, maybe she always made unreasonable demands, and you were never able to see eye-to-eye on your to-do list. Or perhaps his moods were completely unpredictable. In any case, if your relationship has been strained, you may receive a less-than-ideal response to your two weeks notice.Prepare for ItIn this case, all you can do is politely deliver your resignation, then strive to make the transition as easy as possible for your team. Your manage r may not have the ideal reaction to your news- and your workplace may not be the most pleasant environment for the next two weeks- but to avoid burning bridges, its best to work through it with a positive attitude. Reaction 5 Acceptance With GraceThe best-case scenario- and honestly, the most common reaction- is that your boss will accept your resignation with understanding and sincere congratulations. Your manager will be happy to see that youre advancing your career and moving on to something bigger and better. Spot the SignsDo you have a good relationship with your manager? Is he or she relatively reasonable? Do you have regular one-on-ones where you talk about your career goals and growth? If so, its likely that your boss will accept your resignation with grace, help develop a plan of action for your last two weeks, and maybe even attend your farewell happy hour. Prepare for ItThis one is easy. All you have to do is smile and say Thank you so much for your support. Ive enjoyed my time here and Ive learned a lot from you. Let me know what I can do to make the transition easier. Are you always going to get reaction number five? Probably not. But if you look for the signs, you can likely anticipate your boss response, go into the conversation prepared, and come out stronger on the other side. Then, you can breathe a sign of relief and start looking forward to starting your new position.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why #8216;Be Yourself#8217; Is Both the Best and Worst Advice You Can Get

Why 8216Be Yourself8217 Is Both the Best and Worst Advice You Can Get Why 8216Be Yourself8217 Is Both the Best and Worst Advice You Can Get Article by Isa AdneyA few years ago, I applied to Harvards doctoral program in education leadership (Ed.L.D.).I applied at the encouragement of a friend I figured I had nothing to lose.To start the process, I did what I usually do when Im doing something that terrifies me I reached out to people who were already doing the terrifying thing to ask for their advice.I welches amazed at how many current Harvard Ed.L.D. students were willing to help me. I usually just ask for a word of advice via email, but most of them talked to me on the phone and offered to read my essays and share feedback. It turns out they werent Elite-Snob-Way-Smarter-Than-Me-Robots, as I had perhaps subconsciously imagined.They were nice.In one of those preparation phone calls, one current student gave me this final bit of advice I know this may sound trite, but when it comes to your application, really be yourself.Be yourself.Id heard it so many times. And honestly? I thought I knew what that meant. But this time, when he said it, something clicked. I knew exactly what he was trying to say Dont be what you think Harvard wants you to be. Be you and see if Harvard wants that.Easier said than done.And especially hard to do for a straight-A student who is good at playing the game, learning the rules, and getting the A. Oh, you like flowery language? Done. You prefer essays that are more succinct? I can do that. Oh, you like when I show my work on the math test? Got it. You prefer I just write the answers? Done.In my first drafts of my application essays, I was indeed trying to be what I thought a Harvard student was supposed to be. Not because I thought that would work (it usually doesnt), but because the real truth is that I didnt think I was good enough. I didnt think I was what a Harvard student should be.But since the guy giving me this advice was in t he program, I took his advice and rewrote my essays to reflect who I really was. I sent in my Harvard application with the real me spilling out all over the pages.And then the strangest thing happened.I got an email from Harvard inviting me to the vorstellungsgesprch phase.My application had wasone of the top 50. Me and 49 otherbei people would be flown out to Cambridge to interview in person, and then a month later, 25 of those people would be accepted.Being myself actually worked. I was going to Harvard for an interview.TheHarvardI decided to keep this whole being myselfexperiment going and take it a step further for the interview.I knew how interviews worked and how the game was played. Even when youre interviewing for a job and you simply need to pay your bills, you dont say Ill seriously do anything. I just need the money. Give me the job. Wheres the money?? Even if thats the truth.Instead, you say This company is the best company of all the companies, and Id practically do thi s job for free Hooray Yay you and your company And this is all Ive ever wanted to do with my liiiifffeeeeInterviewing for Harvard isnt quite like interviewing for a job, I had a gut sense of what I might need to do to get past this phase. I knew this program and its goals and what they were looking for backwards and forwards. I knew it was a program meant to train people who would transform K-12 education at a systemic level they were looking for people who would start innovative schools and become high-level administrators who could help make big, positive changes in the public school system.I didnt ever imagine getting asked to interview, because all my experience was in the community college world, not K-12. And also, I didnt have any career goals of being in administration. My heart was in writing, teaching, storytelling inspiring students on an individual level.But somehow, my passion for college access got me to an interview.I decided, though, not to pretend that I wanted the kinds of jobs I knew the program was preparing people for. I told the truth in the interview. I wasmyselfin a way I probably never have been before. And it felt great in the moment. I had a wonderful time. I made new friends. I felt like I had nailed it.A few weeks later, I got an email saying I did not get in.It was not a good time. The part no one tells you about being yourself is that, while eventually you can say,See, it wasnt the right program for me, initially all you feel isYep, I was right.I am an imposter,and Harvard saw me for who I really am and probably laughed their faces off. HA She thought she was Harvard material? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Now I know the truth Who I really am is not good enough.My heart was broken into sharp, little, Ivy League-crimson pieces. I wished Id never applied. I wished Id never been asked to interview. I wished Id never stepped on the campus or bought that stupid Harvard T-shirt or imagined myself studying in that library.I had many current Harvard students encourage me to apply again (one guy said he had a friend who applied three times before he got in). A few months later, I attended a Harvard Institute on the achievement gap and met the Ed.L.D. program director, who also encouraged me to apply again.Deep down though, I knew it wasnt right for me being a systems-level leader wasnt really my goal. Going to Harvard TheHarvard would have been so awesome for all the reasons youd expect. But the program itself? It was close, but not quite me.I decided not to apply again.But very recently, I did start applying to other graduate programs, and one alumnus from one of those programs an author and lecturer at Stanford University said this to me as parting application adviceIf youre a rhino, be a rhino. Even if you think theyre giraffes, dont be a giraffe, because then you might end up with a bunch of giraffes and youre a rhinoNow, dont get me wrong. The giraffes in the Ed.L.D. were awesome people. I am still Facebook frie nds with the current students who helped me and the amazing ones I met in the group interview. They rock and are doing amazing things to improve K-12 education at a systemic level.But if youre a rhino with rhino dreams, being in a graduate program structured to help giraffes reach their dreams might not help you all that much.Applying for graduate schools and jobs isbrutal. In applications, youre forced to put your worth to words, and, for me at least, it often makes me start to question how much worth I have at all.But somehow, I keep applying for things. I keep trying, charging my big stubborn rhino horn against all these doors, hoping maybe one day Ill crash through.I still wear the Harvard T-shirt I bought the day before the interview. Oddly, I just realized Im wearing it right now. Ill admit, it still makes me sad. But it also reminds me that I tried. It reminds me that, sometimes, Im brave. And maybe thats good enough.A version of this article originally appeared on SUCCESS.co m.Isa Adney is an author and T.V. host named by GOOD magazine as one of the Top 100 People Moving the World Forward. She is currently writing a book about dreams. Follow her on Twitter or learn more at IsaAdney.com.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What to wear to an interview when the weather turns nasty

What to wear to an interview when the weather turns nastyWhat to wear to an interview when the weather turns nastyDont let the weather ruin your job interview follow these fashion tips.While many North Easterners were braving out the winter weather tucked away safely inside, some job seekers might not have been so lucky. Unfortunately, the job search doesnt always come to a halt when bad weather strikes and trudging out into the elements becomes inevitable. Since looking your best is a crucial element to any successful interview, be koranvers to follow these simple fashion tips so the weather will not put a damper on your big day.Preparation is keyAs with most aspects of the job search, preparation is essential when is come to an interview and this means checking the weather prior to selecting your interview outfit. Being unprepared and dressing inappropriately for the weather could lead to an untidy look. Once you know the weather, it is easy to plan you outfit and accessories.Judg e a book by its coverFirst impressions are everything in the job search and it starts the moment you walk in the door. Depending on the season and your climate, the right coat and accessories can help you get off to a great start.Coats and Trenches Peacoats and trench coats are great staples for both men and women. Many of these coats have zip-in hoods or linings which can lead to an easy transition into any season. Choose a neutral color (black, navy blue, tan) and be sure to pay close attention to the fit.Hats, Gloves Scarves Use these items to show off your personality without going overboard. You want all the items to match each other and compliment the coat you are wearing.Put your best foot forwardNo matter the distance, traveling by foot in bad weather is simply a pain. A simple answer to this problem is to invest in shoe covers. Shoe covers are a fairly in expensive and can save your nice shoes from being ruined due to rain or snow. These slip ons are perfect for intervie ws as they go right over your shoe (heels included) and can be easily stored in your bag upon arrival.Less is moreWhen it comes to your actual interview outfit, the best advice is to keep it simple. If you stick to the basics, you are sure turn up looking put together no matter the weather. A job interview is not the time (especially in bad weather) to try out the latest fashion trend. A classic suit in a neutral color is always best for men. Women can go with a pant suit in a neutral color as well or opt for a pencil skirt with a blazer to compliment it. Keep in mind that fit is extremely important If your jacket, pants or shirt are too loose or too tight, the overall professional image may be ruined.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Relocating Because of Your Job

Relocating Because of Your JobRelocating Because of Your JobRelocating Because of Your JobThe relocation struggle of adapting to a new place is something that we should be aware of. Not to mention if you have kids and pets relocating with you. Asking for help (coaching) is a smart way to proceed because isnt the saatkorn to travel and spend a couple of days in a place and feeling that you own it on a vacation trip, than start living in between a different culture, different language, and different weather no matter how close you go. What if the economic system is also different?Courtesy fiveoclockclub.comI experienced such change when moving to Center Europe, where is a socialist system. I was used to the Center-Capitalism system where you can get all you want as long as you work for it, but Center Europe kind of made me feel overwhelmed completely. I felt that I had to learn everything all over again and I almost fell into a depression, because I felt so much differences that I had the impression to be in a different planet or so. Although adapting to the language (s) was the key to understand the system and the people. I started making research over the culture, language (s), traditions, etc. Since I had a career based in the Law faculty, I started using what I learned in the University when understanding the Jurisprudence of the country, using their own language.Once I started merging into the culture, everything went easier. And in consequence I started feeling better people started sharing their insight knowledge of how the system works and what to do in different situations. I also started using their language more than mine and helped me to understand the way they think. So, I advise you to merge in and use what youve got, toLearn the language, learn the structure, enjoy their food, enjoy their local events, learn their jokes, assist to local churches (in case you practice a religion), learn their music, enjoy their weather activities, enjoy their own wa y to love, etc. There is never enough to say when adapting to a new place.You may want to zulauf back to your previous country once or twice in the first semester after the honeymoon of the new love is over, because the frustration of a new culture can be a very heavy experience, but dont give up you are being trained by life to become a more international minded person. Also, you may feel that nothing makes sense in this new place, but thats okay and true, because you have to learn to do the things in a different way.If you are an overprotecting parent, you might want to think twice. I remember having students that their parents wanted their children to have the education way exactly as back home that would be VERY difficult and unhealthy for the kids. See, the kids are surrounded by different people, listening to different jokes, different language (either idioms or linguistics), living in a different weather that may change their natural color, looking at different traditions etc and forcing them to preserve everything is way too much pressure on your kids. They need to make friends and learn that things are different outside home, although never let them lose their first language (s), because thats a pity And if for some reason they are learning a different alphabet too, please make an effort (either you or a private teacher) to preserve their writing skills.Remember when I said that asking for help is okay, well you can ask for a relocation coach to help you setting up a country booklet according to your family needs, so when you get to the new place you will understand faster because you will know the theory already. Also, the resumes and job application processes are different, and here again you can look for a professional to help you with that.Dont be afraid to ask a local person that you may consider your new friend about specific things of their country or region. You have to remember that whatever you learn is a plus for your professional future. Y ou will find people that speak the same language that you do and think the same way. Become friends with them and have fun but dont accommodate too much, because you need local people around you too in order to learn more and more every day And also because the ones that share your mind may be only in transition. I remember that I spent making new friends the first two years, because once I made a friend, they were ready to go it sounds sad, but it helped me professionally speaking so much

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Are you at risk for poverty in your country If you make this much, you probably are

Are you at risk for poverty in your country If you make this much, you probably areAre you at risk for poverty in your country If you make this much, you probably areAccording to theWorld Bank, 10 percent of the worlds population lives in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $1.90 greenback per day. While this threshold is shockingly low (it would amount to an income of less than $1,000 per year), residents in some countries can make significantly more money and still be classified as living in poverty.Eurostatdefines the At-Risk-Of-Poverty (AROP) threshold as having less than 60 percent of the countrys zentralwert income. Our latest visualization uses income data from census agencies in different countries to show how much money each countrys household must make to be considered at risk of poverty.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn order to ensure consistency when co mparing different countries, we translated foreign currencies into USD using publicly available exchange rates accessed in March 2019.Top 5 Countries With the Highest At-Risk-Of-Poverty Income Thresholds1. Singapore $70,640 median income $42,384 AROP2. United States $60,336 median income $36,202 AROP3. Australia $53,091 median income $31,855 AROP4. Canada $50,325 median income $30,195 AROP5. Switzerland $50,313 median income $30,188 AROPBottom 5 Countries With the Lowest At-Risk-Of-Poverty Income Thresholds1. Serbia $2,889 median income $1,733 AROP2. Romania $3,126 median income $1,876 AROP3. Bulgaria $4,090 median income $2,454 AROP4. Turkey $4,281 median income $2,568 AROP5. Hungary $5,692 median income $3,415 AROPFor visualization purposes, we chose to analyze countries where the data was available and updated. Poverty thresholds and other measures of economic well-being can also vary within a country, based on median household income and cost-of-living within individua l regions or cities. Interested in how income needs vary within a single country? Viewthis visualizationwhich details how much money Americans need for economic security in each state.This article originally appeared on How Much.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from jngstes Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Supply Chain Resume Objective Can Be Fun for Everyone

Supply Chain Resume Objective Can Be Fun for Everyone Because you lack experience, you might have to to capitalize on your other strengths. 50 Best Samples for Career Objective You have begun preparing your Resume and the following thing youre trying to find is Career Objective. To begin, utilize the skills below. Stress transferable abilities and capabilities. How to Choose Supply Chain Resume Objective Supply chain managers might be asked to discover and evaluate international sources of supply and potential markets around the world and to integrate and coordinate requirements throughout the world. Supplier rationalization is an ongoing process that needs ongoing upkeep of the supply base by replacing good suppliers with better or the very best ones. Pick from such business operations resume keywords and abilities. State your objective with respect to how youd like to donate to the success of the business. So, the strategy may be to get people through APICS or CIPS traini ng to come up with supply chain competencies to provide your company a competitive benefit. Whilst its always great to be ambitious but what should be considered in achieving the strategy with available ways. Supply Chain Resume Objective - Is it a Scam? Dependable and consistent shipping performance On-time delivery is essential to the customer to keep his production schedule. Real-Time Visibility If we want the supply chain to work smoothly, we have to have the ability to track and deal with the inventory in real-time. There shouldnt be any doubt that Inventory level by itself isnt a really informative measurement. bestellung fulfillment is a significant region of the supply chain and business management should make strategic decisions on the logistics network. Inventory accuracy is just one of the most crucial elements of valuing a corporation. The Dos and Donts of Supply Chain Resume Objective After youre clear on your objectives, who your customer are, the outcomes you re aim to accomplish and how youll get them, you then have to choose how youre likely to make it occur. The work description lets you know which ones matter most. Bear in mind you will be competing for the Warehouse Manager job with different candidates. Look carefully at the businesss mission statement and goals, together with the work listing. Examine the difference in both of these director of operations resume examples. An operations manager resume objective is for all those with no experience. Strategy is a set of decisions you wish to make in a particular direction and is high-level thinking related to the way you might realize that objective. If thats the case, your on-time shipping metric would likely be contingent on the ship date. It focuses on moving a good or material in the most effective way so that it arrives at the perfect distribution policy at the most suitable moment. Sloppy work will receive the boot. Neatly avoids the problem of whether youre trying to find a 20-year term, or a stepping stone. If you own a CSCP or CPIM, examine the SCPro to provide you with a competitive edge five to ten years in the future. Thats the reason why a global perspective is crucial, regardless of the size and reach of the corporation. Lets look at the significant benefits of supply chain. For instance, if the company is searching for someone to boost profitability, you might mention your history of impacting the main point of different businesses. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Supply Chain Resume Objective Spend analysis is a vital tool. This course is intended to offer necessary background in statistical techniques. The customer may later come back to the Web site in order to inspect the condition of the order. Just take a look at some of these suggestions.

Monday, December 2, 2019

TAtech Tip Add Employee Reflections to Employee Referrals

TAtech Tip Add Employee Reflections to Employee Referrals When executed well,employee referral programs leverage the social media and other contacts of an organizations workers to connect with high-caliber passive prospects. In most cases, however, the resulting outreach is narrowcast to the specific subset of individuals appropriate for a particular opening. While this approach does often generate applicants, it significantly underutilizes employee connections. Using a broadcast technique called employee reflections, an employer can touch all of an employees connections and thus effectively supplement their existing employee referral program.Employee reflections comprise aprogram of career-field-specific content generated by select employees of an organization. It is based on the ongoing move to supplement traditional advertising with sponsored content.According to a recent article in The New York Times, In recent years, publications large and small have invested in teams to make sponsored content written stories, videos, or podcasts that look and feel like journalistic content hoping to make up for declines in conventional advertising.Unlike commercial sponsored content, an employee reflections program is more narrowly defined as blog posts, videos and podcasts that provide career-field information or insight as a supplement to traditional recruitment advertising. The content of employee reflections is authored by an organizations employees for the purpose of promoting the organization to the employees social media and other contacts.How Does It Work?An employee reflections program isnt a one-off initiative, but an ongoing monthly publication of employee-generated content that promotes both the employees individual brands and the company as a center of excellence in a specific career field.Clearly, the program isnt for every organization or even for every career field for which an organization recruits. But for highly compet itive demographics and mission-critical openings, employee reflections provide a way to advertise an employer in a distinctive and engaging way. Employee reflections can set the organization apart as a place where top talent can work with other top talent and thus advance their careers.The best way to implement an employee reflections program is to make it a competitionamong a select group of employees. Position it as a contest for high-performing employees in key demographics your organization needs to recruit. The contest will determine who will be offered the chance to author a piece of career-enhancing content that the organization will publicly promote and the individual will distribute to their network contacts.Contest winners should be selected based on the submission of an outline for content that demonstrates their expertise and insight in their field. While they retain the copyright for the content, they must agree that the final product will include a footer that recogniz es its publication by their employer and provides a link to the career page on its website.Why would an organizations top employees participate? Implemented effectively, the program offers three benefits to those who are selectedThey will be given time on the job to author content that is professionally advantageous, offering them a way to enhance their own brand.They will be able to distribute that content to their own social and professional networks and see it distributed even more broadly through their employers networks.In recognition of their selection as a sponsored-content author, they will receive appropriate recognition in their next performance appraisal and an appropriate bump in their next salary review.An employee reflections program obviously requires time and effort to implement, but so too does any well-run employee referral program. The return on the investment is a more expansive outreach to the kinds of candidates employers find most appealing those top performe rs in the networks of their own employees.Peter Weddle is the CEO ofTAtech The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions.The trade association for the global TA technology industry, TAtech also provides a number of programs for recruiting and HR professionals, including a conference dedicated to Optimizing the RECRUITER Experience, a speakers bureau, and TAtech U a free webinar-based training program on key advances in TA technology and applications. Visit TAtech.org for more information.